Blogs I follow

Friday, December 26, 2014

Corticeira Amorim - Christmas dip

On dec/24/2014, this stock gave a nice opportunity to buy more. Although the price has been around €3.00, stock took a dip till €2.77.
I didn't  bought since I'm long and wish to sell a bit higher in a buy&sell strategy in this low-free-float portuguese stock.

Take care!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Corticeira Amorim - buy

Today I bought shares of this company. I had an order way below market price but, as this title has low liquidity, I happen to buy 0.07€ below my price.
Today's shares will pay a 0.07€ Dividend so that's OK for me. I think I can profit both ways: sell the stock in a few day a few %% points above and by dividends.

I'll give the news here, soon.

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Corticeira Amorim - buy & sell

Busy day: bought @3.10 in the morning and sold @3.15 right after lunch.

This is not my kind of investing, I'm a value investing fan. Although, I think there is an oportunity here I will try to profit with this.

I'll try to do this more times, so far 3 nice trades.

All values are comission & fees free.